Learn what others think about your karaoke performance after singing on the karaoke machine Discuss lack of new songs, Joke about Tone-Deaf Sims, Complain about uncreative videos and Brag about karaoke skill during the event!

Have your party at a karaoke bar, bar, nightclub, or even your house Plan a new type of event: Karaoke Night (Credit ) The magazine can then be read, sold, or published for other Sims to enjoy! At the top of the journalism career, Sims can write their own fashion magazine (just like publishing a book on the computer). Journalists can interview other Sims about their outfits, then write positive or negative articles about them (be careful- your Sims friends might not like a negative article written about them )) Designers receive a trait at the top of their career which allows them to sell their own fashions at a much higher profit Designers can also sell their work for profit, and will receive a notification each time, telling whether or not their work was chosen by a top fashion label Designer Sims can create custom fashion designs on the easel- as their painting skill increases, their designs get better (over 30 custom painting designs). Models earn a special trait at the top of their career which enhances their friendships and relationships. Models can offer fashion advice, or brag about being a model!

Models who have a higher career level can “walk the runway” while at work and can receive a variety of moodlets depending on their skill level! Models can practice modelling in the mirror Custom “chance cards” which will give your Sims a positive or negative work boost depending on your answer! Custom career tones (actions) which your Sims can do while at work Custom whim to join the Fashion Career if your Sims have skills in painting or charisma The ability to later branch off to one of three branches: Model, Fashion Journalist or Designer. The ability to join a new career in game: Fashion Career The Sims 4: Fashion Career Mod Download Here Mod descriptions and images copy/pasted from the download pages. The following Mods were all updated by SHEnanigans except Anyone Can Swipe and Wiggler’s mod which was updated by ArlisRabbo. Here are a few you might have loved in the past and didn’t know they were updated by someone else.

Sometimes your favorite mods get abandoned by the mod creator and left there a broken mess.